Saturday, February 9, 2008

My new Jewish Israeli Zionist.......Keffiyeh.

At last, it came in the mail. It smelled like camels when I first opened the bag...made by Beduins maybe?? Coming of my friends and I going to the local Arab hooka bar and yours truly sporting long as I don't get killed in the process! (Its run by Palestinians! But if they can wear theirs, I'm gonna wear mine, damn it!) Get yours today...

Here's proof that you can be a Zionist and wear a Keffiyeh...We've been doing it since the 1800's! (And way before that, if you count the headwraps we used to wear and Arab Jew garb...)


nasra said...

Disgusting. No originality at all.
Ironic when you lie about being the original people of that region.
No culture, no land, no morals, no religion. You are absolutely NO ONE.

Yoel said...

it was before the 2nd lebanon war that i hade the same idea with some friend. But i didn't knew how to make it and it's a qrate news to see other had the same idea!

I just have one question...
Were can I buy some? ;)


EnergySwift said...

Hi could you post a website address or some contact information where the israeli keffiyeh can be purchased I have searched all over the entire universe and still not managed to find one, please help if you can yours darren.

Unknown said...

you can find them here:

Tatyana said...

LOL @ nasra. Life must be uncomfortable with your head up your ass. I wouldn't know, I haven't tried it.

Right on with the keffiyeh.. I'm getting one too, though at this site, for anyone who's interested:

Unknown said...

Hi Friends,

if you are interested in the Israeli
Kaffiya you can have it from us...
Argopro is the original inventor and producers
or 97297441448

Unknown said...

please note !

The UK distributor do not represent us any more !

The Israeli Kaffiya can be purchased only in Israel by us.

Unknown said...

The Olive Branch if the oldest simbole of PEACE !!!
Get it here for plated gold 24K.

And the Israeli Kaffiya can be purchased here:

I am a ZIONIST and I am for peace on earth and all of us can wear a scarf with our simbols

embordered on....WHY NOT ?